Below are frequently asked questions relating to gutter bids and gutter insallations. Please click on any of the questions below to see the answers.
More often than not, the style and construction of your house dictates which gutter style can and should be used. Some homes are built with fascia boards and some without. Some roofs include a drip flashing and some do not. Some homes have notched out rafter tails or crown molding. When a Great Northwest Gutters representative comes to your home to give you an estimate, he will usually tell you or indicate on your bid which style he recommends for the house. Some houses are built in a manner in which several different styles will work just fine. In this situation, you have the option of choosing which style you find most aesthetically pleasing on your home.
As with the question above, in many situations, your house may dictate how big of a gutter you can go with. When a Great Northwest Gutters representative comes to your home to give you an estimate, he will take into consideration such factors as roof area, roof slope, roofing material, number of drains available, house construction, existing gutter style, and aesthetics. The majority of homes will use one of the 5" or 6" gutter styles. Typically we only use 4" gutters when we can't fit a larger gutter on a house and our commercial gutters are usually installed on larger projects such as apartment complexes, warehouses, hotels, etc.
We have several different methods available to customers. Gutter spikes, the most prevalent method, are the most economical option we have and are available in 7" or 8" galvanized steel spikes. Other options include the gutter screw which is a large hex head screw that is also available in 7" or 8". The gutter screw provides a stronger hold into the wood which can be advantageous if you rarely clean your gutters or are worried about snow, ice, and other such things. Hidden hangers also provide the added strength of the screw as an attachment, plus give the homeowner the added benefit not seeing any screw or nail heads along the front of their gutters. Hidden hangers, as the name indicates, are completely hidden from the ground level as everything is on the inside of the gutter. We also have hanger straps which uses a steel strap to attach the gutter to the roof instead of the framing of the house. These are useful when there is not a standard vertical location (fascia board, rafter tail, etc.) for the gutter to be attached to, such as an inverted crown molding.
Yes, all of our gutters are continuous and seamless*. We can run a continuous gutter as long as a person desires, but often recommend an expansion seam every 70' or so. This prevents the gutter from warping and/or coming loose as the metal expands and contracts in the hot and cold weather. Unfortunately, even with a continuous gutter, there will be a seam at each corner as the technology to make seamless corners has not been invented yet. We do hand miter our corners however. This is the preferred method amongst the gutter community as it makes only one seam (opposed to three with a box miter) and looks cleaner and holds a seal better than the strip miter.
*The half round style of gutter is not currently available in a continuous length. They are installed in 20' lengths and spliced together with an expansion seam.
Our gutters are available in 26 gauge steel, 24 gauge aluminum, and 16 oz. copper. All of these materials have their pros and cons. Steel is the most widely used material. It is heavy, strong, and very durable. It does not dent easily and is very safe to place a ladder against. Although steel may rust eventually, these days it is manufactured to be significantly better than the steel of old. The cold-rolled steel base is coated with a layer of galvanizing, then coated with a baked-on enamel primer, then coated with a baked-on enamel top coat of finished paint. Our steel gutters have a 20 year warranty from the manufacturer of the material. Aluminum gutters are also available in all of our colors. Aluminum never rusts no mater how long it is exposed to the elements and is very light weight and easy to work with. This light weight though (and the fact that aluminum is a softer metal than steel) means that aluminum is more susceptible to dents than steel. Falling tree branches and roughly placed ladders can leave a dent in your new aluminum gutters. If "rust free" is what gives you peace of mind though, aluminum is the way to go! Copper is very beautiful and will last a lifetime. Initially installed in the typical bright, shiny copper color, after time it will patina into the traditional greenish color of aged copper. The main draw back to copper is it's price. On a standard house, copper gutters will usually cost you around 5 times more that steel gutters. Occasionally we get asked about plastic or vinyl gutters. While they are available to the general public at places like Home Depot and Lowe's, we do not use them and/or recommend them. They are not continuous, tend to leak much more often, and do not look very good on a house.
This, more often than not, is truly a personal preference. All of the downspout styles work very well and most of the styles (in their respective sizes) have very similar water carrying capacities. Occasionally, because of house or deck construction, a certain style will work better than another, but usually you have the choice of the style that you like the look of best.
Similar to gutters, in many situations, your house may dictate how big of a downspout you can go with. When a Great Northwest Gutters representative comes to your home to give you an estimate, he will take into consideration such factors as house construction, size of rain drains, existing downspout style, neighborhood style, and aesthetics. The majority of homes will use one of the 2"x3" styles, and sometimes the 3" round size. 3"x4" downspouts and larger sizes are sometimes used on residential homes, but are typically reserved for large buildings, commercial properties, etc. In terms of the corrugated vs. the plain square style, if you are indifferent to the look of the downspout, we usually recommend the corrugated. They are a tad bit larger and the rounded elbows help water and debris to flow a bit better. The plain square, though, tends to blend into the siding of your house a bit better.
Although it is always preferable to have your downspout terminate into a rain drain, rain barrel, or some other sort of water collector, sometimes that is just not an option. In these cases , it is perfectly acceptable and, in some areas of town, encouraged to drain your water onto the ground. There is no law or code that states all rain water must terminate into a rain drain or cistern of some sort. If you do have one or more downspouts just draining out onto the ground, we typically recommend kicking them out away from the foundation of the house. This helps prevent rain water from pooling up against the side of your house and possibly getting into the basement or foundation. We recommend kicking the downspout(s) out 1'-6' depending on the slope of the ground next to the foundation, the landscaping, and other structures that may be present.
Yes, this also is perfectly acceptable and is standard practice. The rain water draining from the downspouts onto the roof is no different than the rain falling from the sky onto your roof. This downspout configuration will not harm you roof in any way nor will it cause leaks or increased wear.
Unfortunately, at this time, we do not have the capabilities to inspect, clean, and/or unclog your underground rain drains. This is something that definitely should be done, if needed, before we install your new gutters however. We suggest contacting someone like Pro Drain or Rescue Rooter.
We have tried many different gutter guards over the years from many different manufacturers. Most all claim that they're the best, they're "no clog", there is no maintenance needed, etc. Unfortunately, that is just not true. No matter which gutter guard or screen you install, there is always some sort of maintenance involved and/or some risk of clogging. Even the best, most expensive ones. After a lot of trial and error, the guard we have settled on as the best in terms of overall design, performance, maintenance involved, durability, and “bang for your buck” is the Ironwood Gutter Guard. It works very well at keeping the small debris such as fir and pine needles from clogging up your gutters. Now, if broadleaf trees (maples, oaks, etc.) are your main problem, you may be able to get away with our vinyl leaf screen. If you have little to no trees around your home, you may not need guards at all. It depends on the roof, the number of trees around your house, how full your gutters get with debris, and how willing you are to get up and clean your gutters.
The Ironwood Gutter Guard has a 10-year warranty covering any material defect. We also provide a "no clog" guarantee. If the screen fails and allows debris to penetrate inside and clog your gutters and/or downspouts, we will come out and remove the clog, free of charge. Please note: the "no clog" guarantee does not cover debris on top of the gutter guards. Gutter guards are designed to stop debris from entering your gutters and this often results in the leaves, needles, etc. sitting on the top of the guards. Gutter guards are not 100% maintenance free and, depending on the amount of debris falling onto your roof, will sometimes require that debris to be swept, blown, or cleaned off of the top of your screens so that they continue to function properly.
That depends on which type of guard you choose, how difficult the installation is, how many feet we'll be installing, and other such factors. Feel free to contact us at any time and we can get you a free estimate.
The majority of the time, we can absolutely install gutter guards on your existing gutters. If you have already purchased new gutters or recently moved into a home with gutters that are in good shape, we can install any* of our gutter guards on the existing gutter system to help control your leaf and needle problems. Unfortunately, there are some cases where the gutters may need to be replaced first (if they are in poor shape) or the roof and/or house construction prevents us from being able to install gutter guards onto existing gutters.
*Factors such as roof type, roof installation, house construction, etc. sometimes limit the gutter guard styles we can install.No, we do not need anyone to be at home or need to meet anyone at the house in order to get you an estimate. We realize that people have jobs and more important things to do other than sit around and wait for the gutter guy to show up. As long as there isn't a locked gate or something like that, we can go to your house, measure up the gutters, get all the info we need, and then send you a bid. We can leave the bid on the front door, email or fax you your bid, send you your bid in the mail, text you a price, or just call you with a price.
It will be indicated on your bid whether the removal, hauling away, and recycling of the existing gutters and downspouts is included in the price. Most of the time it is, unless otherwise noted. The price shown on your bid, again unless otherwise noted, includes all labor, materials, and applicable fees. If you live in the state of Washington however, your bid does not include the applicable Washington state sales tax unless it is specifically noted on the bid.
The best thing to do is grab the bid we gave you and call our office at 503-925-1035. Tell the person that answers the phone that you received a bid from us and that you want to schedule it to be done. Let them know the 6-digit bid number that's in the top right corner of the estimate you received. They will pull out our copy of that bid, transfer you to our scheduler, and the two of you can arrange a day for a crew to come out to do the work. If you're more comfortable with email, you can email our scheduler directly and he can get back to you with a schedule date.
No you do not. Just like with the bid, as long as there isn't a locked gate, a dog in the yard, etc. and we have no need to be inside the house, then we do not need anyone to be at home. If you are at home, when the job is complete, feel free to walk around the house with the crew to address any questions or concerns you may have and afterwards you are more than welcome to pay them with a check. If you're not at home, we will mail an invoice to you can send us a check, call in with a credit card, etc.
This all depends on the time of year, how busy we are, the size of your job, the difficulty of your job, the location of your job, if special materials need to be ordered, etc. The best thing to do is call our office at 503-925-1035 and speak to the scheduler. He will be able to tell you an exact day that we can be at your house to do the work.
This all depends on the size of your job, the difficulty of your job, the amount of specialty work involved, the readiness of your job, etc. Typically, your estimator or our scheduler will be able to give you a rough idea of how long the job will take, but sometimes unforeseen factors come into play. Unless it's a large job, we usually do all we can to get your job done in one day.
Unfortunately, at this time, we do not offer any roof cleaning, moss removal, roof or moss treatment, roofing repairs, or any other sort of roofing work. We are strictly gutters, downspouts, and gutter accessories.
Unfortunately, at this time, we do not offer any fascia board replacement, rafter tail replacement, rafter tail repair, or any other wood repairs. If you are aware of any rotten or bad wood that needs to be replaced, we highly recommend getting that taken care of prior to any gutter installation. If we happen to encounter rotten/bad wood during the installation or come across a situation where we feel it is ill advisable to install gutters somewhere, our crew will stop working, inform you of the situation, and you can make a decision as to how you want to proceed from there.
We offer a 20 year warranty on all steel, aluminum, and copper materials. This warranty covers the physical materials and protects against any rusting, material defect, etc. We have a 1-year warranty on our labor. This will protect you in the event of something like a leaking corner or a gutter that is sloped incorrectly.
We do all of our own gutter installations and have hired and trained all of our employees to be professional installers. The work done on your home will be by actual Great Northwest Gutters employees and we strive to provide the highest level of workmanship and customer service.
Great Northwest Gutters is the largest gutter company in the Pacific Northwest. We work all over the Portland metro area, including
Vancouver and Salem and have a reputation for quality work and excellent service. Whether it's brand new gutters, a partial replacement, or just a
simple gutter repair, we can take care of your needs. We have several different gutter and downspout profiles available in many different colors
as well as gutter screens for taking care of your needle and leaf problems. Here are just of few of the reasons to go with Great Northwest Gutters....
● We are fully Licensed, Bonded, and Insured.
● We are an 11 time recipient of Angie’s List Super Service Award for maintaining a superior customer service rating.
● We have been asked to install gutters at the Portland Street of Dreams for the last 20 years!
● We have never had a CCB claim brought against us in the history of our company.
● We have a fully staffed office with two full-time schedulers and a full-time receptionist to answer your questions.
We accept personal checks, cashiers checks, credit cards, or cash. The credit cards we accept are Visa, Master Card, Discover Card and Americn Express. At this time, our crews are not set up to conduct credit card transactions when they are on site to do the work, but can accept a personal check, cashiers check, or cash as payment in full. You may also call us with your credit card information at the time the job is complete and we can process that for you. In any of these events, an invoice marked as paid in full can be mailed to you at your request.
Yes, we are fully licensed, bonded, and insured and have always been. We are licensed to work in the state of Oregon and the state of Washington. We are fully current and in compliance with the Oregon and Washington contractors boards and have never had a claim brought upon us in either state.
Great Northwest Gutters
Phone: 503-925-1035
Licensed ● Bonded ● Insured
Oregon CCB #156790
Washington #GREATNG972R6